Sports Programmes
Sport is healthy and inclusive. Its also a great way for us to connect and build relationships with young people.
Boxing, football. basketball, whatever it takes. Using Sport alongside mentoring grows our impoact and the potential for change and personal growth.
Our part-time project co-ordinator supports 30 -40 matched and trained volunteers who work with around 25 young people throughout the year. Volunteers are drawn from the wider community to bring life and work experience and to promote diversity and effective matching.
Young People are referred to us from schools, pupil referral units, alternative education providers, youth offending teams and other partner agencies.
Girls Programme
Most of what we do is inclusive and non gender aligned but we also recognise the pressure young females are under today and as we grow we want to make sure there is a specific girls programme to address those specific issues,.
That’s about confidence and self-esteem but also about good relationships and knowing how to deal with attempted coercion or exploitation.
One young person attending a young offenders institution will cost £180,000 per annum.
our whole mentoring project for 20-25 young people each year provides 4-5,000 hours of support and costs less than £50,000 - and changes and transforms young lives!
Outcomes include……
Educational Attainment
Steps into work
Mental wellbeing
Reduced negative behaviours
Reduced depression and self – harm
Increased confidence and self-esteem
Friendship and positive relationships
Engagement in the wider community.
Safer communities