 We plan for our impact to be powerful. We are at the beginning of our journey as a charity, but with a solid team track record of working with young people and providing transformational support services.

Punching above our weight

We are also well networked and well known in the Tyne and Wear community and beyond, all of which we will leverage going forward.

 We are usinj a crm and management system which will allow us to track young people’s personal development and progression across all our projects and programmes.

 We are committed to evidence-based services and organisational development, to quality and accountability.

 We understand the importance of outcomes and impact reporting to shape future delivery and services and to demonstrate to value of working with us and funding us.

As we develop , this section of our website will include case studies and testimonials as well as outcome and impact statistics summarised from our detailed records at personal, project and organisational level.

We want to ensure accountability and evidence for the difference we make.