Volunteers - so important to us
We rely enormously on the input of our team of volunteers and sessional workers who make things happen where it matters most.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers at all levels and to work with our young people as activity co-ordinators, mentors and trainers as well as helping with admin, fundraising and to assist with the community services of the charity. Please get in touch if you can help.
All volunteers receive expenses and a full induction and support programme and will need to provide references and to satisfy an DBS check.
If you have some time to spare we would love t6 hear from you.
To volunteer in our shop and support our income and profile contact Ricky on 07806 717994 ricky@hoodex.charity
To help with our events and fundraising, our admin or anything else please contact Ron on 07939 510922 ron@hoodex.charity